As Simple As Possible, But No Simpler

Brightmind’s motto is, “make it as simple as possible, but no simpler”. So Brightmind takes deep and transformative practices and explains them in simple and practical ways. Making things as simple as possible--but not any simpler--leads to efficient and effective learning and growth.

I used Calm for years, but felt like my practice had plateaued. With Brightmind, I’m actually starting to understand how meditation works and feel like I’m making clear progress!
— Vanessa
I don’t need 30,000 lessons from random instructors. I need a concise and coherent way to develop my meditation skills. Brightmind is fantastic!
— Chis

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In addition to daily award-winning guided meditations, your free trial gives you access to everything you need to maintain a life-changing practice.

Community Chat

Ask questions and share experiences of practice with Brightminders from all over the world. Offer and receive support for any behavior change goal (diet, exercise, substances, etc.) in our Accountability & Support Groups.

Daily Sits

Meditating with friends is ten times easier and more fun than meditating alone. Join any of our three daily community sits!

One-On-One Coaching

Confused about something you’re learning in the guided meditations? Feeling unmotivated? Coaches offer information, emotional support, accountability, and inspiration.

Half-Day Retreats

Deepen your practice and stay connected with the Brightmind community. On the fourth Saturday of every month, we gather to practice together for four hours.

Multi-Day Retreats

Extended retreats—more so than daily practice—change the way your mind works. Designed to support all experience levels, our retreats include both Technique Instruction periods and one-on-one Interviews with Toby.


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About Us

Toby Sola

Toby Sola

Toby Sola is dedicated to helping you create a feedback loop between your meditation practice and your ability to make the world a better place. So the more you meditate, the more effective you are in the world. And the more effective you are, the deeper your meditation practice becomes.

Toby has been teaching meditation for two decades. His craft as a teacher has been refined through years of monastic training and close collaboration with the world-renowned teacher Shinzen Young. Toby is an award-winning designer and the founder of Brightmind.

Twitter: @tobysola

Instagram: @tobyornottoby3000

Spotify Playlist: Toby’s Tunes

Shinzen Young

Shinzen Young

Shinzen Young trained for a decade in monasteries in Asia, and has been teaching in the West for over 50 years. As the Co-director of the SEMA lab, he’s now at the forefront of contemplative neuroscience. So Shinzen is unique in that he brings together an authentic and deep understanding of meditation with the rigor and precision of modern science.

Shinzen likes to say of himself: I’m a Jewish-American Buddhist teacher who got turned on to comparative mysticism by an Irish-Catholic priest and who has developed a Burmese-Japanese fusion practice inspired by the spirit of quantified science. : )

Twitter: @ShinzenYoung


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